Wednesday 3 November 2010

Mini Assignment 3 - Media Ownership & Structure Presentation


For this mini-assignment you need to complete some in-depth research into both the structure and ownership of a media company of your choice. Using the glossary you have just completed into the various media terms and definitions you should be able to present a clear, concise and informative piece of investigation into a relevant company. This short presentation will be accompanied by a well-produced, designed handout that will be circulated to the rest of the group. It is an opportunity to get under the skin of a media company and find out how they are run and how they function, so make sure your research is both thorough and well directed to ensure you can deliver an engaging and interesting presentation.


1. Research your Media Company - firstly you will need to carry out some research into your Media Company to find out some details, facts and figures about it for your presentation. Good places to look are obviously on-line (company web sites, news articles etc) or in media books (the library is well stocked try course books i.e. A level etc).Consider all of the following questions and find answers to these and GIVE EXAMPLES to illustrate your points.· Find out something about the how the company started. History etc· What media industries are they involved in? TV, radio, film, print, music new media/online etc. Some or a few of these.· Is the company involved just in media industries or other business too?· Who owns or heads up the company? Research them a little.· What companies do they own? If any. Give examples of companies. cont./· What media products do they create? Give examples of brands etc.· How does it make its money? Create media content, advertising etc · Are the companies horizontally or vertically integrated? Or both? · What is the size of the company? Major (Multinational, TNC’s) Medium sized (National) or Independent (often smaller company)· Is it Local, National or Global Company?· Is the company publicly or privately owned?

2. Put together a handout on your Media Company - once you have got the answers from the above questions you will need to gather all of your findings and put together a handout to be distributed to the class reporting back on your findings. Use the above research as the topics to be covered/mentioned and condense all of the information but make sure you mention all of the areas you have researched above, use bullet points and extract just the key points. A few pointers are below.· Make sure the handout is just one side of A4.· Condense your points and don’t waffle. Be to the point but informative.· Make the handout clear and easy to read.· Include answers/points to all of the questions above· Give good examples to illustrate your points and make them clear.· Make it clear who your company are and also your group names.

3. Preparing for the PresentationNow you have to prepare a short presentation to the class on your Media Company. If you have done all of your research and prepared your handout you will have all of the information that you need. Again remember to mention ALL of the areas you researched in 1 above.· You will need to do a 4-5 min presentation followed by a Q&A from the group.· Make sure you mention every area in 1 above. Powerpoint slide for each?· Make it interesting and entertaining. Consider Powerpoint & visuals etc.· Rehearse your presentation so you know what you are saying.· Do NOT simply read from a sheet or the Powerpoint use them as a guide.

Work to be submitted by 4pm on 8.12.10 on your individual blog-sites.

Your 4 - 5 minute presentation – including visuals: Powerpoint, youtube clips, still images, graphics etc.

An A4 handout sheet – including relevant, detailed information, visuals etc.